For Witcher 3 fans...

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For Witcher 3 fans...

Postby Morax » 16 Jun 2016, 19:13

A little background:

The Witcher, a video game many of us enjoy, started at as an amazing book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. His works has influenced the Polish-based company CD Projekt Red to pursue and create a series of games based on his writings, and the RPG-game spin-off has been deemed one of the greatest of all time.

My favorite game ever is currently in development (how is that possible?). I have so much faith that this company is going to deliver based on the 2/3 of the Witcher it's not even funny.

This list: ... 914&page=1

And this:

The game trailer doesn't show any actual gameplay, but based on the reading and style of the Witcher I think this may be one of the greatest games ever made:

Hopefully they do something at E3 this year...
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Re: For Witcher 3 fans...

Postby Kalvirox » 18 Jun 2016, 13:13

Can't wait for this game. Cybrerpunk is my favourite genre when it is done right. I have high hopes.
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