<---- well written and delivered rant
I disagree with far lefters and far righters on many issues, but gun control is something that the left is simply right about. How many more people need to die for people to realize that the NRA supports gun manufacturers and not gun owners?
From "Only 29 percent of gun owners feel that the NRA represents their thinking when it comes to background checks, with 62 percent saying the NRA is out of line with them on the issue. That fits in with a broader feeling that the NRA has lost it way: 59 percent of gun owners feel that the NRA used to be an organization devoted to gun safety but that it has been overtaken by lobbyists and the interests of gun manufacturers and lost its original purpose and mission."
Every time there is a shooting like this, gun sales skyrocket. When are people going to wake up and realize that people who are profiting on the blood of dead Americans don't want to enact-common sense policies to keep Americans safe?