Bans are too corporal punishment in this day and age. Not only is being expelled into the ether most traumatic for the convicted individual, but it also can cause great distress among their loved ones. In addition, although cases of mistaken identify are incredibly rare, when it does happen, it is catastrophic.
With this sentiment, I would like to propose the introduction of an aeolus jail. aka #Jaiolus. All defendants found guilty will be stripped of their rights to be a member of the community. They will be stripped of their avatars, chat groups, will be removed from all exposure to the community and placed in #Jaiolus. Those convicted could expect to serve a minimum of 1 year for crimes such as speaking in a language other than English, up to a maximum of 15 years for the more serious crimes of linking explicit and illegal material. Parole hearings will be dependent on the nature of the felony and the behaviour of the inmate during their incarceration. #Jaiolus will not be accessable to the public and will be reserved entirely for jaiolees and the wardens.
Visitation rights from loved ones will be allowed via PMs and mumble during times and intervals specified by the Jaiolus Officer in concordance with the sentence set out by the Moderator team. The Jaiolus Officer will also serve as a guidance counselor for the inmates, helping them throughout their rehabilitation period. (I would like to put Briang forward for this role, if he is not already in #Jaiolus as an inmate).
Jaiolus inmates will have the right to host and join other Jaiolees in a separate game lobby closed off from the Aeolus community. Jaiolees do not have the right to be safeguard from exploit abuse during these games.
Upon release, an inmate will be subject to a probationary period. During this probationary period the subject will have be forced to display an avatar alerting the community of their previous status as a transgressor. All subjects ACUs must also wear electronic tags during games so tabs can be kept on their whereabouts, forfeiting their rights of privacy under the fog of war until their rehabilitation is complete. They will have no rights with regards to being kicked from games if their potential teammates determine this will too much much of a disadvantage.
Thank you for listening,