Ok, time for the next test version of Phantom-X. Since I'm still not comfortable with the changes in v1.6, this version will be a continuation of that test.
Changes in v1.7a
- Everything in v1.6 (see http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1559&start=0)
- Added Paladin Players
Paladins are "super innocents" that get 45% of the phantom bonus. Paladins have the same goal as regular innocents. The Paladin assignment is made at the same time as phantom assignments (8 minutes in). No one else will know (including the other Paladin) who the Paladins are, so Paladins will need to be careful or they will look a lot like the Phantoms. Paladins are assigned based on how many phantoms there are.
3 Phantoms = 2 Paladins
2 Phantoms = 1 Paladin
1 Phantom = No Paladins