by piratep2r » 18 Sep 2013, 19:56
Oh thank goodness that someone is having some of the same problems! We had a very frustrating time last night and assumed there was something wrong with our connection.
I think that Ze_PilOt did not understand what you were saying, SA. I will attempt to explain in a different way:
Abe hosts a game on black ops (which he can see in the FAF lobby), and picks a map (either stock or custom). Bart, Charlie, and Dane all join in that order. Everyone sees the correct map and the correct number of slots. However, not all is well:
Abe and whoever joined first, in this case Bart, have a connection and can see each other in the set up.
Charlie and Dane can see Abe, and have a connection to Abe, but not to each other or to Dane. Sometimes Charlie and Dane can see the other players names, and sometimes not.
If everyone "readies up" by clicking their box, only Abe will see this, though everyone can see that Abe has readied up. Other people will not see that the #2, #3, and #4 players are ready, if they see them at all.
If Abe clicks "launch," the chat box in the lower left will display a message something like "Player Charlie is not connected to Player Dane, Player Bart is not connected to Player Charlie, Player Bart is not connected to Player Dane..." etc.
Finally, if only two players set up a game, they can play.
Does this make more sense? Didn't have an error report because it never even connected.
Thanks for reading Ze_PilOt, thanks for posting Steel Ace,