Hi Guys
Anyone have an issue with Black ops not allowing any teleports? - Mainly the ACU, it charges to 100% but then does nothing, the orange bar remains filled and the animation of swirls going around the ACU remains constant, but no actual teleportation occurs.
Few things tested...
-Built over 1million Energy incase it was an energy issue.. still no tele.
-Only myself and friend in the game, no Anti Teles on the map
-Waited over an hour on one occasion, but still remains at 100% and full orange bar
-The teleport seems to work in other mods, just not Black Ops.
-Tested separate options on the startup screen (Unchecked ACUs, and Unchecked Unleashed)
-Tested all factions ACU's where teleportation was appilicable
NOT TESTED : T3 units with similar teleportation capabilities.
****** NOT TESTED : SCUs and their teleportation capabilities. *****
* Just tested, same variables as above, No SCU's will teleport either...
NOT TESTED : Builiding a Gateway first... (might test this in next few games..)
Hopefully someone has had similar experiences, I have searched the net for a few days now, and nothing seems to spring up. Also chatted with a few guys in chat lobby, thanks to 'Borg' for input!!
If anyone needs any further testing or got any ideas, please feel free to post them I'll gladly try them!
Cheers all,