Whilst the replay switcher tool is broken. I wanted to associate the file extension .scfareplay to the FAF ForgedAlliance.exe so when I double click a downloaded FAF replay it would open with the FAF 3612 exe, as opposed to the original .exe (which fails to open new replays). I used the windows 7 (64 bit) ‘Default Programs’ dialogue and browsed to the FAF ForgeAlliance.exe for the .scfareplay extension but my changes are ignored even when I tick the ‘Always use the selected program’. I also browsed the registry for the .scfareplay extension in hope I could change its program association but the attribute appears to be a logical pointer to ForgedAlliance.exe rather than a path string which would be easy to change.
Any ideas how I can associate the .scfareplay extension with the FAF ForgedAlliance.exe? I probably can move a downloaded replay to the FAF replay folder and use the Lobby Replay tab to open it but I would prefer to just double click a replay after downloading it.