Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

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Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby GasBandit » 06 Mar 2012, 04:17

Has anyone else found that core maximizer doesn't help Forged Alliance's steam version? Or has there been a new version that does?
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby uberge3k » 06 Mar 2012, 04:50

Core Maximizer generally isn't useful on current-gen hardware. :)
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby GasBandit » 06 Mar 2012, 06:39

uberge3k wrote:Core Maximizer generally isn't useful on current-gen hardware. :)

Well, that depends on how you define current-gen I suppose... my machine is 5 years old, though it was state of the art in 2007. Kentsfield Q6600 core2quad cpu, 3 gigs of DDR2-800 ram, nvidia 8800GT gpu, XP 32bit operating system. Not sure if it qualifies for "current gen" or not.
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby thygrrr » 06 Mar 2012, 10:40

Close enough, really. You never needed Core Maximizer on that machine. (the term "placebo" comes to mind :) )
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby TheStrategist » 06 Mar 2012, 10:45

If I have a dual core will the core maximizer help?
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby thygrrr » 06 Mar 2012, 11:09

Depends. If it's an i3 or i5, no, if it's an E6400 or older, maybe.
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby ToejamS » 06 Mar 2012, 15:05

You dont even need the core maximiser. If you open taskmanager and change the affinity of the program it will achieve the same result. This game is limited by ghz. One operation cant start until the previous operation is complete. So regardless of the number of cores it will essentially only use the power of a single core as that is the limiting factor. If, however you have other apps using some percentage of the cpus first core, spreading the program over several core will show an improvement.
Fa does use more than one core but you will find the first core is the one that maxes out natively. Some things, such as ai or sound or pathfinding or something are used on other threads but these generally are not using the max cpu time.
Basically, this game is quite poorly coded to take advantage of multithreading.
Take this with a pinch of salt, this is what I have worked out after years of staring at taskman, running perftest with and without maximiser. It might not be entirely correct but the spirit of it is.
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Re: Core maximizer not affecting steam version?

Postby TheStrategist » 07 Mar 2012, 00:33

So what should I change the affinity to to maximize performance?
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