Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED! [SOLVED]

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

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Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!

Postby Omni_Narithyce » 26 Feb 2012, 12:37

Hello... Yes, i am new here, but not new to FA (played it 2 years, 1y on xb360, 1y on pc).

Well, anyways... The Fatal Error... When FA starts (the game, not the lobby) it pops up a window titled Fatal Error with this inside it:
Code: Select all
Failed to setup initial search path.

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments :

   Unknown symbol (address 0x008cef50)

Last 100 lines of log...

warning: Running "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua" failed: cannot read C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\..\fa_path.lua: No such file or directory
         stack traceback:
            [C]: in function `dofile'
            C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\SupComDataPath.lua(2): in main chunk
The only option is to abort.
And if its relevant, i am launching the exe directly for skirmish (i'm a bit rusty, so using AI for training).
Last edited by Omni_Narithyce on 26 Feb 2012, 13:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start)

Postby thygrrr » 26 Feb 2012, 12:40

Nevermind. Not sure what exactly caused the issue there.

Can you use the BETA menu to send a bug report?
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start)

Postby Ze_PilOt » 26 Feb 2012, 12:41

I will remove the skirmish in 3612 ;-)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start)

Postby Omni_Narithyce » 26 Feb 2012, 13:00

thygrrr wrote:Nevermind. Not sure what exactly caused the issue there.

Can you use the BETA menu to send a bug report?
That won't help because fa.log does not exist.

Code: Select all
**Forged Alliance Log (full):**
empty or not found

BTW. Thats some fast replying...

Ze_PilOt wrote:I will remove the skirmish in 3612 ;-)
Yes... remove skirmish so that new and rusty players get owned the first dozen times online... ;)
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start)

Postby thygrrr » 26 Feb 2012, 13:11

You can play online vs AIs only.
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!  [SOLVED]

Postby Omni_Narithyce » 26 Feb 2012, 13:36

The problem went away when i started at least 1 online match.
Now i am able to play offline. (odd?)
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!

Postby thygrrr » 26 Feb 2012, 14:41

Omni_Narithyce wrote:The problem went away when i started at least 1 online match.
Now i am able to play offline. (odd?)

I know what happened:

You clicked on a game. It updated FAF and created (almost!) all the files for you (or you aborted). If you didn't decline, you then got offered the map download dialog. You declined (or you aborted). Then you went on, searched for the Exe (of the incompletely configured game) and launched it.

You need to launch FAF successfully at least once through the lobby for a file called fa_path.lua to be written before you can used it offline.

I have moved the writeFAPathLua into the checkFA() method on the client so your weird special case can't happen anymore. You weren't the first. :)
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!

Postby thygrrr » 26 Feb 2012, 14:58

This whole story reminds me of I think FunkOff's analysis of SupCom2 achievements.

Less than 10% of the people had the "played a multiplay game" achievement. But also, less than 15% of the players had the "completed 1st campaign mission" achievement.

So people weren't playing multiplayer, which is old news. But they weren't playing single player, either...

Guess Skirmish is just ridiculously popular.
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!

Postby Omni_Narithyce » 26 Feb 2012, 15:33

thygrrr wrote:I know what happened:
If your curious...I installed the lobby, I logged into the lobby, I double clicked Forged Alliance Forever game mode, It installed FAF, It asked for the game name, I canceled, Closed the lobby, Launched the exe, Fatal Error, Came here whining, Got informed that i should try playing online against AI's only, Logged in, D-clicked FAFGM, Called my game PRIVATE-Omni_Narithyce and created it, Changed my mind and backed out, Closed the Lobby, Figured i would try a direct launch again, No Fatal Error, Played offline, Came back here to report the news; And here we are now!

Step-by-Step enough for you? :)

thygrrr wrote:I have moved the writeFAPathLua into the checkFA() method on the client so your weird special case can't happen anymore. You weren't the first. :)
I will test this. When is this fix going to be available?
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Re: Fatal Error (FA Won't start) !SOLVED!

Postby thygrrr » 26 Feb 2012, 16:28

Ah yeah you can also abort in the naming dialog.

That issue is resolved now, but thanks for clarifying. Have fun with FAF! :)
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