I uploaded a test build of the Lobby to Bitbucket. It fixes the "crash when I click on find games" bug (mostly, plus like half a dozen other important ones).
If you could test this now on Windows XP and Vista you could make my life a lot easier.
You are also free to test it on Win7, of course.
https://bitbucket.org/thepilot/falobby/ ... forever.7z
I have no time to write up a changelog, but everything since "Removed tag" on ZePilot's Twitter timeline is in this new build. Sorry if it's gibberish, it's 2 am and I haven't had much sleep lately.
Anyway... how to test this... if you're computer literate, you can unzip the file and run the program inside (it's not an installer). It should work with all your existing FAF settings.
Important: If your WINDOWS username has Accents in it (e.g. your name is something like René or Jörg), your supcom won't find any custom maps it downloads (you probably had a similar problem in GPGnet, right?) until we put a new SupComDataPath.lua onto the server. Shouldn't be a biggie for now. After that, no more mucking around with your program directories, FAForever will detect people with "special" usernames and create safe folders just for them under its own control.
I'm trying to make FAF "just work" for everybody. :]