Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request: One of the almost necessary enhancements to fully realize the Sorian AI was the cheat options and lobby enhancement. The lobby enhancement added the ability to fill out empty slots with AIs quickly among other minor bonuses, but the real power was the cheat options companion module that modified the Game Options menu to allow customization of several important AI behaviors.
Chief among them; the ability to have the AI seek out an unlimited number of land and naval expansion bases. The default is like 4 or something IIRC, and on huge maps, Sorian or the Vanilla AI just stops expanding after awhile even if you set the unit limit insanely high without the option to change this. Also handy was the tactical missile randomization function which made the AI act a bit more "human" when using tactical missiles against moving targets. You could also select whether the AI had Omni on the map or not. Another important option, and the one from which I believe "cheat options" derived it's name: You could set a numerical multiplier for the AI's income and build speed.
At any rate, browsing the forums I learned FAF will not function with the lobby enhancement scd file in the gamedata folder. I tried running it with cheat options only and the game options menu is the vanilla FA menu. With lobby enhancement and cheat options or just lobby enhancement, the game simply loads a black screen with a cursor.
Is there a quick fix or is this a systemic problem that means we've lost the ability to control advanced features of the Sorian AI while playing FAF?