Problems starting FAF patched ForgedAlliance.exe

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

Moderator: PhilipJFry

Problems starting FAF patched ForgedAlliance.exe

Postby dinox » 11 Dec 2011, 03:38

I have problems with starting a game in the FAF patched version of Forgedalliance.exe. The version in bin/ folder runs fine, but when I try to start a game from the one in binFAF/ folder the screen turns black and all I see is the mouse cursor. Sometimes, but not always, I also see the loading "THQ" logo.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: Updater in FAF lobby says everything is updated.

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Re: Problems starting FAF patched ForgedAlliance.exe

Postby dinox » 11 Dec 2011, 07:50

Removed 03_lobbyenhancement.scd from gamedata folder, that fixed it.
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