ACU has two building ranges.

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ACU has two building ranges.

Postby glennc1 » 23 Oct 2011, 09:42

I have noticed that the ACU has two building circles (one isnt actually shown) and have always noticed including gpg. The engineers dont face the same problem either so i know its a acu problem. Anyways the bug goes like this if you just spawned you give your acu the order to build your factory wherever doesnt matter but its in your buildrange and it'l do it fine but the moment ur acu moves even a tiny bit its like the engineering range no longer counts and will have to get much closer (about the same as the circle for the minimum tml launcher on acus).

So if your acu just built something its actual building range will work but if it moves after building or just any sort of action really not involved in building it can no longer use the engineering range and must walk really close to whatever it wants to start building and then it can once again use its real engineering range as long as it doesnt move after.
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby FunkOff » 23 Oct 2011, 16:09

You are confusing build and assist. If you want the ACU to use it's maximum build range on something that is already constructed, you need to select the repair command and click on what you want to finish building. Using the default right click action, which is assist, the ACU will get closer before building, because it's also trying to guard at the same time.
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby Gowerly » 24 Oct 2011, 13:00

FunkOff wrote:You are confusing build and assist. If you want the ACU to use it's maximum build range on something that is already constructed, you need to select the repair command and click on what you want to finish building. Using the default right click action, which is assist, the ACU will get closer before building, because it's also trying to guard at the same time.

However, if you give an assist ground order near it, or tell it to assist something that's assisting it, it won't move as close.
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby glennc1 » 25 Oct 2011, 09:40

No i am not cofusing build with assist. I am talking about the acu building without any sort of assisting going on. If i was talking about assisting something i would of mentioned that.
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby Gowerly » 25 Oct 2011, 09:53

Well, if you do this:

Select ACU,
Tell it to build land factory,
Right click ACU on land factory again.

The ACU will then switch to assisting the land factory, which is what Funk was talking about. The Assist command will make the ACU walk up to it.
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby glennc1 » 25 Oct 2011, 11:06

I'm not talking about assisting... do i need to post a video to make u understand because all i am talking about is just plain old orders such as build power generator here and there and dont decide to change your build radius becuase u had move to get to be able to build in a certain spot.

P.s: im not talking about when something is in the way
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby Gowerly » 25 Oct 2011, 11:13

Punctuation is really quite important.

Right, what you are saying is not what you are saying.

Your reproduction steps are:
Give ACU a build order outside of its build radius,
Notice that the ACU walks all the way up to the order before starting to build.

Yes, we know about this, and yes, it is a problem for the engineers, too. Engineers have a smaller build radius, but it's still larger than when they also move all the way up to their build order.

This has always been in the game and we're not going to fix it, probably.

Just do the following:
Move your ACU to just within the build radius,
Shift-Queue the build order.

Do the same for engineers for maximum efficiency!
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Re: ACU has two building ranges.

Postby lebensnebel » 25 Oct 2011, 15:09

And it has always been annoying. Are you sure we* can't fix that?
*we does not include me ;)
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