Non-Steam version using Steam shortcut

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

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Non-Steam version using Steam shortcut

Postby GateKeeper » 12 Oct 2011, 21:46

I have installed the retail version of FA. I often play using a steam (non-steam game) shortcut so that the overlay works.

Not sure if possible to get FAF lobby to fire the game up so it uses a steam (non-steam game) shortcut so I can keep the overlay?
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Re: Non-Steam version using Steam shortcut

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Oct 2011, 22:59

GateKeeper wrote:I have installed the retail version of FA. I often play using a steam (non-steam game) shortcut so that the overlay works.

Not sure if possible to get FAF lobby to fire the game up so it uses a steam (non-steam game) shortcut so I can keep the overlay?

Hmmm.. Will be very tricky.. If you can give me a command line that can do it, I can try to integrate it..
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Non-Steam version using Steam shortcut

Postby FunkOff » 13 Oct 2011, 14:31

I use Steam to launch FAF. Then, when FAF launches FA, FA has the Steam overlay. I'm sure it will work the same way for you if you launch FAF using Steam.
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Re: Non-Steam version using Steam shortcut

Postby GateKeeper » 14 Oct 2011, 20:46


If the lobby is launched via steam then the game is launched with the overlay.

Sorry having an off few days.

P.S. love the project.
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