by Zerzetzung1 » 08 Aug 2020, 18:57
So after 10-15min of gameplay ICE window pops up and takes a certain portion of gameplay window as invisible window, but cursor moves between FAF Client and ICE client. I can see the popup clearly but briefly if I do alt+tab, but ingame I only see the cursor effect (that prevents me from selecting units and giving orders where that invisible window is) I have very hard time playing with that annoyance. Is there a way to disable the ICE window? (its a window that has some console text, checkboxes in it and x at the righthand upper corner, not sure if its ice related at all just a hunch). The ICE window is always at lower right corner and takes about 1/6th of the gameplay space. Sometimes Its not on, sometimes its on. When its on, it does not go away and gives me serious performance issues.