Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

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Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

Postby harzer99 » 26 Apr 2020, 20:40

I recently started streaming some faf on twitch and noticed I had quite decent amount of weird lagg in stream. Especially later in the game when zooming in and out quickly. After thinking it was a bottleneck with encoding of the footage and or network bottlenecks I discovered that my fps drop to around 25 ingame when my max simspeed is reached. It gets a lot worse when I render the reclaim stats as well. Then I'm usually at around 12 fps. I have an i7 6700k and a rtx 2060 so (multithreaded) computing power shouldn't be much of an issue. GPU utilization is at around 30% when having that low fps. And only one core of the cpu is at ~100%. So if the render thread and the sim thread are independent I should not get worse fps when my sim speed drops. Are these low fps normal?
Atm I suspect my Windows to be unable to distribute the load of the renderer thread onto the other cores.
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Re: Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

Postby ZLO_RD » 26 Apr 2020, 21:08

try to set high priority on the process.
Can also reduce amount of rings in settings. all of the attack, radar, antiair, build range rings eat alot of FPS
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Re: Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

Postby harzer99 » 08 May 2020, 00:30

Just as an update: switching the level of details to low improved my fps in a sim speed cap scenario by about a factor of 3. With the reclaim overlay enabled my fps are still horrible but I can live with that. The low LOD models don't even look bad. Very weird.
Also I switched from dual adapter to fake full screen with two monitors which fixed my stream lagg. Also very weird.
I think a youtube series about weird bugs of FA (or call them quirks and features?) would be quite entertaining.
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Re: Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

Postby nine2 » 08 May 2020, 08:59

Are you using any UI mods? Some of them do bad things, try without
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Re: Low FPS when at sim speed cpu limit.

Postby ZLO_RD » 08 May 2020, 11:05

afaik it is a new issue and will be fixed soon. probably related to scoreboard refreshing to often or something like that (i have no idea tbh)
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