by Uveso » 06 Jan 2020, 17:09
Hello Funky,
yes steam is from my perspective the vanilla version.
FAForever is a full game mod and we have done over 400 patches to the game in the last few years.
But your problem will also occour with the FAF version of the game.
(looks like a hardware issue/driver problem)
The game itself (the .exe) is an old 32Bit program.
It doesent like USB Sound for example.
Like i can see you have CORSAIR Headset Earphone pluged in. (please unplug all USB speaker/microfons)
There is also a streaming service running (mabye Steam?) Please disable it.
There are some nvidia Audio drivers runnig. maybe GFX card HDMI audio drivers. Please disable them.
Your GFX cards runns with directX12, but the game only knows directx9. Please reinstall directx9c on your PC.
In case you run OneDrive, please disable. SupCom dont like it to store preferences etc in a cloud. (too slow)
Thats all. i hope some of it will help.
(My personal guess, its missing directx9c files or USB speakers/headset that causes the trouble)