Unable to start a game

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

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Unable to start a game

Postby masterrbc » 25 Oct 2019, 13:24

I was playing the game fine for about two weeks, then I tried to play the other day and kept getting two errors - One that it didn't copy everything over to FAF and the second that it couldn't launch ForgedAlliance.exe.

I've looked all over to find an answer to this issue, but I just cannot seem to find one and I don't have the technical knowledge to sort it out myself.

I've attached the client logs.

've tried the following:

- Unistalled FAF files complete
- Uninstalled the Bin and redownloaded it
- Wrote a fa_path.lua file myself and placed it into the FAF file

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Unable to start a game

Postby masterrbc » 26 Oct 2019, 07:08

I believe I found the answer to this, I'm not entirely sure if this is correct, but from what I can understand is this.

ForgedAlliance.exe is missing from the bin folder in FAForever and after reinstalling FAF twice, the bin folder contains only two .lua files, init_coop.lua and init_faf.lua.

When FAF attempts to launch the game, it appears to search for ForgedAlliance.exe, can't find it and so downloads a copy of it into the FAF bin folder. For some reason, even with full permissions for all users, the program is not allowed to access this folder in order to change the temporary file it downloads to "ForgedAlliance.exe", which comes up with the original error message of not being allowed permission to do whatever it is trying to do.

The way around this was I snagged a copy of the temporary download and moved it out of the C:/ProgramData/FAForever/Bin to somewhere else that I had full access over, I changed its name to "ForgedAlliance.exe", changing it from a .temp file to an executable file, which was recognised as ForgedAlliance.exe and allows it to launch the game.

However, when trying to place this file back into the C:/ProgramData/FAForever/Bin, it won't let you due to permission reasons - To get around this:
[*] Copy the contents of the bin folder into a new folder where you moved the .temp file.
[*] Place the new ForgedAlliance.exe into this folder with the .lua files already in there.
[*] Delete the bin folder currently in C:/ProgramData/FAForever/Bin.
[*] Move your new bin folder into C:/ProgramData/FAForever
[*] Start your game and it should work.

It still gives me an error message about not being able to copy over some files, but it appears to work without an issue.
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