by Geosearchef » 02 Oct 2019, 10:23
- what do you mean by ports are open? Which ports? Also, that isn't necessary anymore.
- Your router has no Firewall, just a NAT, and the ice adapter performs NAT traversal
The ice adapter debug window shows you an entry for each peer the server has told you to connect to and not yet sent you a disconnect command. It shows you FAF player id, player login.
The status:
gathering - your ice module for that peer is currently gathering possible addresses (candidates) at which you can be reached
awaitimgCandidates - you have sent yoir candidates to that peer and are waiting for their candidatds
checking - the adapter is building pairs from both sides' candidates and testing the for connection
Connected - a pair succeeded, was nominated and validated and a connection was established, FA data will be forwarded and the offerer will start a connectivity checker
Disconnected - no candidates have been received, no pair succeded or a connection loss has been detected by the connectivity checker
Once you are connected to a peer, it will show you the candidates of the pair that succeeded. So local candidate and remotr candidate just tells you the type of address used by the other peer to send data to you.
host - an address bound to one of your PC's interfaces, e. g. your local subnet's address
srflx - server reflexive, an address learned by asking a STUN server for the address it sees you at, so just your global ip address, this would still mean a direct connection
prflx - peer reflexive, an address learned from one of the peers you're already connected to
relay - an address borrowed from the FAF TURN server, all your traffic communicating is relayed via that server, this candidate should never fail, a relay candidate on one side doesn"t indicate which side failed as communicating with a relay server (without NAT) is never a problem, therefore it doesn't matter if one or both peers use a relay
The offer entry tells you if you were the one to offer the connection request or answered it (who sent candidates first) and controls the connection, e. g. nominating pairs),this is important as only the offerer will check the connection,so the two values behind only makesense when you are the offerer,you will always be offerer when you are the host of the game.
The two values behind that are not -1 when you are offerer as your adapter is sending echo requests through thr connection and will disconnect and send new candidates when it doesn't get a reply for 10 seconds (allowing reconnects after IP addr changes)
The column behind that,in case you are offerer, shows you the last measured round trip time (RTT/latency), this value won't change if you're not getting any replies though!!!! The next column is updated once a second and shows the milliseconds that passed since the last echo reply arrived, if the connection goes quiet it will count to 10s and then abort and renegotiate the connection.
Developer, Server Admin, ICE, currently working on Team Matchmaking, FAF Client