Weird gameplay cuttoffs

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

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Re: Weird gameplay cuttoffs

Postby TheFearFullSeraphim » 30 Jun 2020, 10:21

Update: Here is a video on what happens.
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Re: Weird gameplay cuttoffs

Postby Uveso » 30 Jun 2020, 14:43

Clearly a SIM freeze.

This error happens if a function in SIM-state is deadlooping.

Are you sure you don't have any SIM mods active ?
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Re: Weird gameplay cuttoffs

Postby TheFearFullSeraphim » 01 Jul 2020, 04:57

Well mostly your sim mods you made. but testing out faf develop game mode and it hasn't done it for 2 games.
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Re: Weird gameplay cuttoffs

Postby Uveso » 01 Jul 2020, 19:53

If you want to test your game without sitting in front of your PC, you could use my AI mod.

My AI mod has the lates AI gamepatches included and has an option for endless test games.

Enable endless games inside the gameoptions and start an AI vs AI game.
The game will start, increase the simspeed to +10 and on gameend it will restart the game.
This way you can easily test for deadloops.

Please always test the game with no mod enabled. (Also no UI mod)
Only exeption my AI mod for debugging.
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Re: Weird gameplay cuttoffs

Postby TheFearFullSeraphim » 02 Jul 2020, 04:23

I think i'll just keep testing out different options till i find it i had the issue happen on straight vanilla no mods or tampering files before.
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