I used to have a FAF account linked to steam, but I've stopped playing in like 2014 or 2015 and now I can't even remember which e-mail I used back then, because apparently it was not my current one. After trying to r e s t o r e (see P.S.) my username and password with no success, I decided to create a new account because I am basically a new player now. I don't think that I still have any skill left so this is probably fair.
Now I've created a new account (VictorLictor) and when I tried to link my steam to it, I got this error:
What do I do now? Is there a way to unlink this "{0}" and make my steam linkable again? Or maybe I can somehow retieve an e-mail or login that was linked to my steam? I don't want to get a new steam account just for FAF.Error You linked this account already to user with name ''{0}''.
P.S. The forum wanted me to remove the word "s t o r e" (without spaces) from my message because of spam filter. What the heck.