Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: PhilipJFry
Geosearchef wrote:Press the rerun benchmark Button in the lobby and make sure your CPU is not busy during that time.
PhilipJFry wrote:we didn't change the cpu test in any way and we also can't tell you details about your hardware situation
aside from what geo already told you there is little we can advise you to do
function CPUBenchmark()
--This function gives the CPU some busy work to do.
--CPU score is determined by how quickly the work is completed.
local totalTime = 0
local lastTime
local currTime
local countTime = 0
--Make everything a local variable
--This is necessary because we don't want LUA searching through the globals as part of the benchmark
local h
local i
local j
local k
local l
local m
for h = 1, 48, 1 do
-- If the need for the benchmark no longer exists, abort it now.
if not lobbyComm then
lastTime = GetSystemTimeSeconds()
for i = 1.0, 25.0, 0.0008 do
--This instruction set should cover most LUA operators
j = i + i --Addition
k = i * i --Multiplication
l = k / j --Division
m = j - i --Subtraction
j = i ^ 4 --Power
l = -i --Negation
m = {'One', 'Two', 'Three'} --Create Table
table.insert(m, 'Four') --Insert Table Value
table.remove(m, 1) --Remove Table Value
l = table.getn(m) --Get Table Length
k = i < j --Less Than
k = i == j --Equality
k = i <= j --Less Than or Equal to
k = not k
currTime = GetSystemTimeSeconds()
totalTime = totalTime + currTime - lastTime
if totalTime > countTime then
--This is necessary in order to make this 'thread' yield so other things can be done.
countTime = totalTime + .125
BenchTime = math.ceil(totalTime * 100)
bruce wrote:I have the same problem.
A week ago I had core i 7 3770 and msi H61 motherboard -CPU was about 198
Now I have Core i 7 3770 but motherboard on z77 chipset - and CPU became about 250
what can change?
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