Hi all, I am posting this here, to see if it might be useful to others with the same issue.
Basically my games go well, but after 10-30 minutes, it shows a screen that 1 player has disconnected. after 2 minutes they are kicked. It shows that the established connection has been cut between my pc and another pc.
This is most likely caused by ISP's using CGNAT.
You might say, try ICE-Adapter. It is basically a Application, that takes all FAF Game data, and uses a WebRTC p2p library, to connect to peers.
This most likely will not fix my problem, as I have no trouble connecting to peers, but trouble with established connections getting cut.
So my solution is to force the FA Forever client to use a relay server, and force NO direct connections.
The FA Forever Relay server is: 148_251_238_131
To do this I created 4 windows firewall rules:
0. Block all Inbound, Block all Outbound
1. Inbound Rule > Allow, TCP, C:\Program Files (x86)\Forged Alliance Forever\FAForever.exe, Scope:148_251_238_131
2. Inbound Rule > Allow, UDP, C:\Program Files (x86)\Forged Alliance Forever\FAForever.exe, Scope:148_251_238_131
3. Outbound Rule > Allow, TCP, C:\Program Files (x86)\Forged Alliance Forever\FAForever.exe, Scope:148_251_238_131
4. Outbound Rule > Allow, UDP, C:\Program Files (x86)\Forged Alliance Forever\FAForever.exe, Scope:148_251_238_131
Then I launched ColaSoft-Capsa11Free to verify that only packets to 148_251_238_131 are occurring.
Blocked packets can also be seen at System32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log.
So I created a test game, FinFin joined, and we played for 5 minutes with no direct connection, and my ping was much improved at 300.
If anyone else wants to try RELAY ONLY connections, this might be a good way to disable P2P direct connections.
If it works for you, please share your results.