i have run FA.exe in a debugger and got some results:
from the segfault report that is printed when fa crashes:
0x0048169b - this is the stack frame in which the bug happens
0x0047fbe0 - this is the function that calls the above function in its body
0x0047fe54 - this is the location in 0x0047fbe0 where 0x0048169b was called
0047fbe0 is only executed when someone joins the game, so it was triggered maybe a dozen times during the test.
(possibly also called when i kicked some1, need to confirm that)
0048169b was called 2 times during my test run, both when the game was already almost full, so it was a while
before it was triggered the first time.
the second call to that function triggered the segfault.
all calls to 0047fbe0 were in the "Main Thread"
so now it looks that the bug is triggered in a piece of code that is run when someone joins the game if a certain condition is met.
so the good news is that the code section containing the bug is not generic, like for example a part of the lua interpreter but only called in certain conditions, i.e. someone joining (possibly also leaving).
it would be nice to be able to do a lua backtrace when one of the breakpoints is hit. any idea how to do that?