With the current version of FAF (1.5.3615), I cannot set up multiplayer LAN games. I am not talking about connecting through FAF, I am talking about connecting directly via LAN. The game will show up on the games list for LAN for the computer trying to connect, but when "join game" is selected, it just hangs, and never actually does connect. It works with 3599, and version 3610 (which I also have), but not with post 3610 versions.
I want to be able to do LAN games because for one thing, I want to test out the balance changes by setting up a LAN games between my two comps
You could say why not connect both comps through the FAF lobby? Well, thanks to the awesome smurf prevention measures in FAF, I can't, because both comps I own have been used for my single account (Pathogenic), so I can't set up a different account and test it that way.