I am not sure if I have never noticed it before, but when zooming I get micro stutters but without actual frame drops at certain zoom level transitions. Does anybody else have that? It's like certain zoom levels are missing. So if an object should go from size 1 to 2 to 3 ... to 10 while zooming in on it i rather goes like 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and it only happens at specific zoom speeds. Too slow and the stutter won't happen. Too fast and it doesn't happen either (or is maybe unnoticeable). Anybody else having that?
And also my game crashes repeatedly at the moment, but I could not reproduce it in games vs the AI. I think there is a connection between the stutter and the crashing, but even though I also got the stutter in games vs the AI the game did not crash there...
And I do not have a log of the crash.