Title says it all. When you have no armor, little HP - these aren't things you want glitching on and off, or simply not working.
Uploaded a replay, See the 10minute point, and just afterwards, and watch between orange and myself. Clearly within range of the mobile stealth field, lots of power. Full bar and +. been seeing this just lately and something is Seriously wrong. What the hell is a Cybran player supposed to do? Build shields? AAAAHAHAHHAHAH
Seriously, not sure why or what the real issue is, however something does need to be addressed because this is occurring in greater frequency... How would you like it if your shields flickered off just as a snipe is coming at you while You've got full power? You wouldnt…
Also watched hoplites die to a pd that were within the stealth field radius. Something's wrong here - definitely, seriously wrong [my play style included, I know]