After every game I am getting this bug.
I was previously having a bug before loading into the games. Making faf unplayable. Now that I have fixed this problem it seems that I now have this new issue with replays. I think that is might have something to do with a mod that I added called Advanced icons i think by Shadow. //I have used this mod before with zero issue// Everytime I try to view a replay though I am loaded into the Mod Icon preview game. I hope i explained this well enough to give you an idea of the problem an how to fix.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x009d7b75
attempted to read memory at 0x46b7e559
Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /ratingcolor cececece /numgames 268 /mean 1066.97 /deviation 76.4286 /country /init init_faf.lua /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/4269182/CrudeAsteroid.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
Last 100 lines of log...
warning: SND: XACT3DApply failed.
Invalid arg
warning: SND: XACT3DApply failed.
Invalid arg
warning: SND: XACT3DApply failed.
Invalid arg
debug: OpenMovie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
debug: Preparing movie /movies/menu_background.sfd: 100486
info: called Set_graph...
debug: Loading module '\000/lua/ui/dialogs/dialog_txt.lua\000'
info: PAGE_GRAPH called
info: Number of data found:\000186
info: Number of data found:\000186
info: 287610
info: Value the highest:\000500000\000 final time saved:\0001860\000 scale factor on y:\0000.0023199999704957
debug: Playing movie e:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\movies\menu_background.sfd: 100486
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.0142822265625\000 t:\0002519.7143554688\000 t1:\0002519.8571777344
info: So refresh all the \000126.86187744141\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.019458007067442\000 t:\0002519.7143554688\000 t1:\0002519.9089355469
info: So refresh all the \000172.83575439453\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: total time:\0003.612060546875
info: 1st:\000271857
info: 2nd:\000275395
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000642.22283935547\000 yb:\000641.08361816406
info: 1st:\000198653
info: 2nd:\000203083
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000810.68029785156\000 yb:\000808.84741210938
info: 1st:\000194094
info: 2nd:\000197137
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000823.57409667969\000 yb:\000822.64215087891
info: 1st:\000169323
info: 2nd:\000171462
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000882.52038574219\000 yb:\000882.20812988281
info: 1st:\000219368
info: 2nd:\000225253
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000759.41015625\000 yb:\000757.41302490234
info: 1st:\000115338
info: 2nd:\000115830
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\0001010.2983398438\000 yb:\0001011.2744140625
info: 1st:\000161080
info: 2nd:\000161080
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000905.29443359375\000 yb:\000906.29443359375
info: 1st:\00066960
info: 2nd:\00066971
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\0001123.6342773438\000 yb:\0001124.6273193359
info: 1st:\000170265
info: 2nd:\000170265
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000883.98522949219\000 yb:\000884.98522949219
info: 1st:\000287610
info: 2nd:\000287610
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000611.74481201172\000 yb:\000612.74481201172
info: total time:\0004.64453125
info: Number of data found:\000186
info: 239365.21875
info: Value the highest:\000500000\000 final time saved:\0001860\000 scale factor on y:\0000.0023199999704957
info: -----------------------\000total mass in
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.015771484002471\000 t:\0002560.8708496094\000 t1:\0002561.0285644531
info: So refresh all the \000140.09020996094\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: ------- calculating the timing of the frame
info: Time to display 1 frame (calculate with 10 frames):\0000.021752929314971\000 t:\0002560.8708496094\000 t1:\0002561.0883789063
info: So refresh all the \000193.22039794922\000 pixels displayed (delta_refresh:)
info: total time:\0002.94287109375
info: 1st:\000234553.0625
info: 2nd:\000239365.21875
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000726.63989257813\000 yb:\000724.67272949219
info: 1st:\000221831.078125
info: 2nd:\000225837.3125
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000757.46228027344\000 yb:\000756.05743408203
info: 1st:\000199175.8125
info: 2nd:\000202728.015625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000810.79650878906\000 yb:\000809.67102050781
info: 1st:\000171071.8125
info: 2nd:\000174692.765625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000875.86706542969\000 yb:\000874.71276855469
info: 1st:\000166740.015625
info: 2nd:\000171743.65625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000883.44946289063\000 yb:\000881.5546875
info: 1st:\000125041.1875
info: 2nd:\000125248.1640625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000988.43438720703\000 yb:\000989.42425537109
info: 1st:\000188312.171875
info: 2nd:\000188312.171875
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000842.11572265625\000 yb:\000843.11572265625
info: 1st:\00078745.9765625
info: 2nd:\00079049.7265625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\0001095.7926025391\000 yb:\0001096.6046142578
info: 1st:\000138824.296875
info: 2nd:\000138824.296875
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000956.92761230469\000 yb:\000957.92761230469
info: 1st:\000214182.65625
info: 2nd:\000214182.65625
info: x: \0003340\000 ya:\000782.09625244141\000 yb:\000783.09625244141
info: total time:\0004.5126953125
info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x00000000
info: CNetTCPBuf::Read(): recv() failed: WSAEINTR