After last the lobby update we are able see clan tags in game, however clan competition in FAF doesn't really exist. This is pretty sad. The lat time there was any was during the intergalactic Colosseum hosted by Ze-Pilot - which was pretty awesome, but that was one year ago and it doesnt look like something is coming. And still it was only a tourney and not a league, which could be used to create an environment with healthy clan competition.
So how it will work:
This idea isnt completely finished - needs some more calculations and your support but idea is simple.
- clan members collect points for winning tourneys and for challenging other clans to clan battles (not 1v1).
-- Whenever someone wins a tourney they gain some point for the clan they are part of.
-- The amount of points gained depends on the rating of the players - higher rating limit = more points gained
-- amount of points gained increases when the game contains more players (more teamplay) - more players = more points
- during a clan battle all participants must be part of the same clan (for each team)
-- clan battles are played as a best of 3 (you must win 2 out of 3 games)
-- clan battles are setup in #Aeolus with another clan
-- clan battles cant be 1v1
---clan battles also have "divisions" which is the average rating of the enemy team (the tougher a team you beat the better)
- add a new tab in the lobby "leaderboards" for clans, where everyone can see which clans have how many points and which is actually the best clan, with player(s) of clan that brink most of point for clan with number of point,
- after a year start a new season where all clans get reset back to 0 points
- best clan for a month gets the "best clan" avatar
-- players that bring the most points for their clan gets the "point bringer" avatar
--- if "point bringer" is part of the "best clan", then they get the special "best clan member" avatar
this is a concept.
more details:
base its 100point
points given by tourney and clan battles:
clan battles 50%
tourney 1st palce 100%
tourney 2st palce 75%
tourney 3st palce 50%
points given by division:
under 1100 rating limit 50%
under 1500 rating limit 75%
under 1800 rating limit 100%
over 1800 rating limit 125%
points given by number of team members:
1v1 33%
2V2 66%
3v3 100%
4v4 125%
5v5 150%
6v6 175%
win 2v2 tourney U1800division and receive 0.66(for_2v2)x1(for_division)x1(for_tourney) = 66points
win 1v1 tourney U1500 division and receive 0.33x0.75x1 = 24.75points
win 5v5 clan battle, average rating of enemy team is 1400 = U15OO division and receive 1.5x0.75x0.5 = 56.25 points
win 2v2 clan battle, average rating of enemy team is 1900 = O1800 division and receive = 41.25 points
selecting maps for clan battles (best of 3):
first map is chosen by the lower ranked clan, second by the loser
thx Exotic_retart for translate from shit cluster to inglish