Run Faf through VPN

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Run Faf through VPN

Postby zolop » 22 Dec 2014, 04:23

Is it possible to run Faf client through a VPN and not have to use a proxy server? Gaming with a friend and he got a message about connection and lost connection to lobby. I now realize that hosting a game through Faf uses FaF server bandwidth as it creates a proxy server. If I can take the load off the server and go through a VPN is that possible?

I am going to donate to FAF as they did a awesome job with the lobby client and updating the game to look/play far better than SC2 could ever become.

Could not find this information on the wiki or specifically with searching on the forum.
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Re: Run Faf through VPN

Postby Cuddles » 22 Dec 2014, 07:18

Going through a VPN increases the latency and you will get the proxy still if the ports are not configured to forward on the VPN.
Turinturambar defended very valiantly
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Re: Run Faf through VPN

Postby Deering » 22 Dec 2014, 09:17

The proxy is only used if a connection cannot be established between the FA clients. Using a proxy would only help if the total distance between you and your friend through it was than using the FA proxy. There is no real point in this unless your ping through the FA proxy is over 500ms (the inbuilt command delay). There is also no guarentee that your proxy will be able to establish a connection to your friend either which might mean you end up going through two proxies.

TLDR: Basically if you are under 500ms then theres no point.
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