Access Violation preventing game from starting in FAF

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Access Violation preventing game from starting in FAF

Postby SuicidalParsley » 09 Dec 2014, 13:55

When ever I attempt to join a game using FAF, ranked or custom, I get this error message and the program aborts. The issue persists both after a reboot and when running FAF in administrator mode. The exception seems to be with FA, and not FAF.
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Re: Access Violation preventing game from starting in FAF

Postby SuicidalParsley » 09 Dec 2014, 13:59

I should add that the game runs fine if I launch it through Steam.
Edit, it seems it only occurs if I try to play as UEF
Edit2* This now happens with all factions, and custom games after I have played 2-3 games. Clearing the FAF cache has no effect, and the game will not launch with steam after it has occurred Reboots have been some what effective now.
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FAF User Name: SuicidalParsley

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