Hey guys! It is finally time for the Insanity to begin!!!
I am assuming you already registered for the tournament (if you haven't you can still do so in the tourney tab of the FAF client by double clicking the appropriate rank category right up until the starting bell), so this is what you need to do when the tourney begins! Before starting this list, you need to first of all make sure that you are signed up by checking the list of players in your bracket. Some people were in the wrong brackets and have been removed, but don't worry! This is not a ban from the tournament, you just need to rejoin the correct bracket! Make sure you get in before starting time!
#1. Be on time!!! Times for the tourneys are 11am GMT-5 for 2v2 and 1pm (1300 hours) GMT-5 for 1v1 on the 15th (Saturday). Make sure that you are there! Players who are not available will be removed from the bracket after a 20 minute grace period.
#2. Check your brackets! your brackets can be viewed at the following links.
1v1 brackets---
u900 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup1v1d
u1400 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup1v1c
u1900 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup1v1b
o1900 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup1v1a
2v2 brackets---
u2000 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup2v2c
u3200 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup2v2b
o3200 http://challonge.com/theinsanitycup2v2a
#3. Host your games! The player with the top slot in the bracket (team one) should host the map listed for that number bracket. The list is in the main tourney posts. Please format the title as "[bracket]-[opponent]" e.g. "u2000 - SneakySnake" so that the other member of your match can find you easily. Games are hosted by double clicking the Forged Alliance Forever title on the left side of the "Find Games" tab in the client. The only mod that may be used is the RK explosions mod. NO OTHER MODS, including UI lag and netlag.
1v1 brackets--- http://forums.faforever.com/forums//viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8765
2v2 brackets--- http://forums.faforever.com/forums//viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8766
#4. Play like mad!
#5. Report your scores! Winners need to report their score to BRNKoINSANITY in either PM on the main chat or in your division chat. There are no rematches! A result is a result, and any finish determined to be a rage quit/intentional disconnect, after a review of the replay parser for chat and statistics, will be awarded as a win to the remaining players.
- After you report, make sure to check out your next bracket! Repeat your hosting with rules in #3, and wait for any opponents that are currently in game from the last . round.
#6. Become the Champion! To claim either a victory, second place, or one of the special prizes, contact BRNKoINSANITY in private chat on the main lobby. My name will be in bright white at the very top of the chat list, so you can't miss it
There is an automatic chat system built into FAF and the tournament that will put you in a lobby for your tournament division. You can ask questions, ping players, and discuss the tournament in that chat freely! Simply click on the chat tab on the bottom left of the window and then on the tournament channel in the tabs on the top.
Thanks for all the support to the people who donated to the prize pool and a huge welcome to all the players, new and old, who are joining this tournament!
Stay psyched, and lets have a blast people!