Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

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Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby Flynn » 05 Nov 2014, 13:42

Yo this has bugged me for awhile. When the game gets stressed (having to make sounds of clicks and zooming in and out etc) it will freeze for a second and this annoying beeping sound will occur, sorta like a computer motherboard beep when there is a problem, but it only lasts for a second. I used to play this on an underpowered craptop, so naturally I assumed it was a sound that the craptop was making or a Windows sound, but on my new super powered desktop I still get it. It is not a problem or anything, just wondering why.
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby Cuddles » 05 Nov 2014, 19:11

Could be something like sticky keys in windows. what happens if you hold down shift for a long time?
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby Flynn » 06 Nov 2014, 00:02

Good idea, year the noise sounds exactly like sticky keys, although I have disabled sticky keys a couple of weeks ago. If I hear it again then I will know that it is not sticky keys, but that theory makes a lot of sense.
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby Flynn » 08 Nov 2014, 23:46

I just had it today whilst clicking reclaim...seems to be related to net lag. Sticky keys definitely disabled.
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby E8400-CV » 09 Nov 2014, 04:58

You hit too many keys at once? Depending on your motherboard, certain key's can't be pressed at the same time. Doing that will result in a short 'beep'
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby Flynn » 20 Dec 2014, 13:54

It happens in this Luxun17 cast:

27 minutes 25 seconds in around where Luxun says " will be out of range so...not a big risk". It is a very truncated beep sound. I have always wondered what it is.
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby ZLO_RD » 20 Dec 2014, 14:56

Obviosly game freezes and goes to "not responding" mode, cause PC can't handle it

i remeber you asking about it already, i think you can only turn if off in windows, it is windows sound not game.. that is only tip i can give here
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Re: Annoying beeping sound when SupCom gets over stressed

Postby sisso » 20 Dec 2014, 20:03

I have experienced some problem where nvidia drivers crash and recovery. I had to underclock my videoboard from 670 to 600 mhz.
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