Clan Tourney

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Clan Tourney

Postby Thesaddestpanda » 10 Oct 2014, 21:18

I am in the process of hosting a clan tourney in the coming months. This tourney will be a mix of games ranging from 1v1 to 4v4. If you and your clan would like to enter, just pm me on FAF or respond to this thread. Details such as rating range, maps, tourney structure and dates are still tbd. This tourney is in its infancy so any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby PsychoBoB » 10 Oct 2014, 21:43

Maybe we could do some things together: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8663
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Poch » 11 Oct 2014, 21:47

BFAs are up to this :)

I put a link to the post i made in PsychoBob topic since i thought it was THIS clan war tournament and not a Team tournament : viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8663&start=10#p83270

So in short to start the debate around tournament format :

  • Rating limit per player around 1.6k (averaged for the whole team of course you can have 1.3k with 1.7k and respect the limit for a 2v2) AND/OR required game quality of 85%+ (adjust number to desired reasonable value). Since it's harder to predict game quality in advance i would be more for the averaged rating limit per player. Then you scale it to the number of player in the game and you have your max rating per team per game.

  • BO3 for each rounds, each clan choose a map and if needed a 3rd one is designated in advance ; Organize a quick poll/vote amoung clan representative about the 3rd maps. I don't think elimination is good more a points earned each week system. Like i said in the other topic the tournament format should allow clans to showcase a wide variety of skills. Allow all balanced maps <= 20*20km as long as game settings rank the game.

  • Maybe do a 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4 round each week (every clan has to meet once, this will decide how many weeks are required). That way you can have up to 7 different players per clan playing each week. And if a clan has only 4-6 players it is still reasonnably doable.

  • I don't know if clans should be free to meet during the week or if you need to force a precise time each week. I propose to do both : you have the whole week to play your matches, but an official Rendez-Vous is set during week-end time (best "shared" time for different timezones to meet). If by the end of that time your clan didn't showed up other team has free win for that round/week.

That's all i can think of for now.
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Kalvirox » 13 Oct 2014, 16:47

Rating Range sounds iffy too me, I get why you want it but I don't think it should be there.. AIx will sign up for it though.
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Poch » 17 Oct 2014, 18:45

Kalvirox wrote:Rating Range sounds iffy too me, I get why you want it but I don't think it should be there.. AIx will sign up for it though.

I will argument a little :
  • Almost no one will launch games with <75% game balance why should we do that for a clan tourney if the purpose is to showcase teamwork and clan skills ?
  • The point is not to see which clan is the best, if you want to know that, just check player listing + ratings. The clan with the most players above 2k is the strongest. (unless you think rating is uber shit and a clan of 1400-1600 can defeat them in multiple matches)
  • I won't even bother playing a game with a 1600 clan mate against a team like Voodoo + Luxy. I like the challenge from time to time but you have to be reasonable. Losing more than 50% of your tourney games badly and having only SFO/BC/RA/OS standing a chance of wining is not the point of the tourney, it is not fun, and it wont get people very excited. We had that tourney once already and the result was as expected.

The rating range per match needs to be quite large so we can have all clans playing but if you can just put your bests players every time it ruins the suspense and you can restrict this to the bests clans only before it even started. Again i wont bother training & playing dozens of matches if i know the result in advance.

In BFA we dedicate A LOT of our time to train noobies, teamwork and improve the average level of all of our players and they are all excited about playing in team in a tournament. If the bests clan have to send their lowest rated players then they also have to coach them and it's more fun IMO.

If a clan like BFA/ToP/Aix play a 4v4 game against OS/SFo with 80% game balance stacked in their favor and we know they are coached by some of the best players of the world at that time, it is already a really nice challenge in my opinion and winning a game like that would already be an accomplishment. If you imbalance it even further than that it start sounding impossible when you think of the number & variety of matches per round.

If some clans only have players so high rated that they can't even participate, then maybe we need different rating ranges like for WWPC.

In my opinion you can completely remove the rating argument. For me its as simple, as "add a rule saying something like : all matches need at least XX% game balance."
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Hellcat » 30 Dec 2014, 14:44

Up !
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 02 Jan 2015, 17:17

any serious tournay cant have a rating limitation.

of course game would be potential unbalanced. but who care, when want to win then must beat the others, and not dont be able to force better because are too low/ or too good. That make the higer rated win a tournay only for rating, because would not have oponents.
make no sence at all.

Isnt it because in BFA average rating is 1500 and you are scared to force better clans?
because you have no chance to win against them? Probably not, but thats because you are not better, why would be better have penality because are too strong?
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Hellcat » 19 Jan 2015, 15:34

In my pov its not a question to be afraid or not afraid, its a game who cares ^^

It's a question of entertainment, in every combat sport, guess why you don't see heavyweight versus flyweight ?
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Re: Clan Tourney

Postby Hawkei » 19 Jan 2015, 17:22

Perhaps the solution is to have designated matches with different Ratings limit brackets. Such as the following:
- 1v1 Under 1200
- 1v1 Under 1600
- 1v1 Open
- 2v2 Under 1200 Average
- 2v2 Under 1600 Average
- 2v2 Open
- 3v3 Under 1600 Average
- 4v4 Under 1600 Average

Not only will clans need good top level players. But they will also need to maintain a competitive pool of players in the lower leagues. I don't agree with the suggestion that there be a minimum game quality. It is not possible to predict outside of the lobby and makes it difficult to assemble teams beforehand.
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