FAF Lobby starts automatically to play music!

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FAF Lobby starts automatically to play music!

Postby palombhp » 27 Sep 2014, 15:06

since today the FAF lobby starts automatically to play some silly music. I can't find any button to stop that and it also never did that bevor. :cry:
Does someone know what's going on?
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Re: FAF Lobby starts automatically to play music!

Postby rootbeer23 » 27 Sep 2014, 15:12

an advertisement in the tournament tab. or possibly in the whats new tab.
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Re: FAF Lobby starts automatically to play music!

Postby palombhp » 27 Sep 2014, 15:24

can I switch that off somehow?
I was in the middle of a game when the music started and that's highly irritating.
The only way I found was to close FAF.
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