Start time: Sunday 14.09.14 19.00 gmt+0
The players can sign up via the tourney tab at FAF. Coaches don't need to sign up.
- 1 vs 1 tournament
- rating < 1200 for players (global rating or 1vs1 rating)
- rating > 1200 for coaches (global rating or 1vs1 rating)
- swiss style (all have to play 3 rounds) win = 2 points, draw = 1 point
- no faction restrictions
- default settings (non ranked is allowed)
- you need a rating below 1200 and a coach with a rating above 1200
- the coach is allowed to join the game as a player but he has to ctrg_k (kill) his acu immediately at the start of the game(to say he is only allowed to give tips ingame)
- it's not allowed for the coach to watch the live replay
1# Blasted Rocks
2# Ambush Pass
3# Eye of the storm
4# Haven reef (if 2 players have the same amount of points after 3 rounds)
all who play all rounds will recieve the tournament participant avatar
1. Place: non personal avatar of choise
2. Place: Faction face
3. Place: Faction logo
(the player and his coach will receive the avatars)
If you have any ideas how to make this tournament more awesome then tell me. You can use this thread to find your player/coach. You can also ask me for coaching but remember that i will be a little bit busy with the tournament.