Account deactivated

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Account deactivated

Postby Soelen » 03 Sep 2014, 20:53

Hello everyone, my account, Soelen, has been deactivated because I tried to play forged alliance forever inside a virtual machine:

I am getting apparently over 60 fps when I play forged alliance on steam, everything actually is running fine!

Could you please enable my account again?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby E8400-CV » 04 Sep 2014, 01:15

Seriously, why do all these people actually try to run FAF on a virtual machine in the first place, leaving obvious cheating aside?
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Kalrirr » 04 Sep 2014, 03:28

E8400-CV wrote:Seriously, why do all these people actually try to run FAF on a virtual machine in the first place, leaving obvious cheating aside?

Perhaps before randomly judging someone you could have considered that the person runs on Linux because of it's obvious superiority over windows?
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Soelen » 04 Sep 2014, 04:10

Yeah Kalrirr is right, I'm on linux xubuntu, 8x2,7 ghz cpu's and I share 4 units just for the virtual machine and additionallly 16gb to run everything smooth
I lost my windows cd and I'm not able to create a dual setup for the moment, all I want is to play some sessions with Kalrirr, I'm not even sure how you assume I am cheating in a closed enviroment which a virtual machine provides...
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Ze_PilOt » 04 Sep 2014, 08:53

Without protection, VM would allow infinite smurfing possibility, something we can't allow.

You still can use a VM, but you need to link your FAF account to steam first.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Soelen » 04 Sep 2014, 13:56

Thanks a lot Ze_PilOt, I connected faf with my steam account.

Unfortunatly it looks like I am still banned:

imgur . com/IBpycLH

What am I going to do?
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Ze_PilOt » 04 Sep 2014, 14:35

You are unbanned.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Account deactivated

Postby Soelen » 04 Sep 2014, 17:24

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Re: Account deactivated

Postby E8400-CV » 05 Sep 2014, 21:00

Kalrirr wrote:
E8400-CV wrote:Seriously, why do all these people actually try to run FAF on a virtual machine in the first place, leaving obvious cheating aside?

Perhaps before randomly judging someone you could have considered that the person runs on Linux because of it's obvious superiority over windows?

Wow, you bothered to register just to post this?

In fact I did not accuse anyone, but I kinda wanted to know what a valid reason would be. Seems to me dual boot is a better working solution than playing in a virtual machine.
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