In-game error message obstructing gameplay

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In-game error message obstructing gameplay

Postby Theghost129 » 29 Aug 2014, 09:06

When I play FAF, an error message appears in the middle of my game. The error message cannot be seen unless I alt-tab out of the game, but the message is only displayed briefly as it is linked to the game itself. When the message exists, it obstructs gameplay. Whenever my cursor is above the message, the game ignores all mouse commands. I cannot close the error message because it is very evasive; the message disappears when I release the Alt-tab keys. Can anyone help? Is it a debug or an error report or something? How do I close it and/or prevent it from occurring?

This has happened to me a number of times, and the error message says something different each time. It is very hard to read and I cannot exactly recall them correctly, but it does appear to be an error. The error type does not seem to be consistent. I believe this happens only when I am hosting a game.
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Re: In-game error message obstructing gameplay

Postby Deering » 29 Aug 2014, 09:33

I'm sure you can see that "I have an error" is very hard to debug, so you need to provide more information because anyone can even attempt to help you. The easiest way to do this is to post your forever.log and game.log as requested in the red text above
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Re: In-game error message obstructing gameplay

Postby nine2 » 29 Aug 2014, 14:38

The error window is actually the log window which appears when there is an error or if you press the F9 key. Yes its hard to get rid of when you are playing fullscreen. If you play windowed mode you will be able to manage it better. As for WHY the window appears, maybe you pressed F9 and there is no error. Otherwise, you can read the same error message in the log file.
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