Can't build support fac with (A/S)CU , can with engi

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Can't build support fac with (A/S)CU , can with engi

Postby E8400-CV » 26 Aug 2014, 19:59

I played an Ozone earlier today and at some point my dinner was ready and I gave everything, minus ACU, one SCU and SMD to another player. Later on, that player died and all was transferred to the 3rd player. When I returned, he gave me back my base plus that of the guy that died. My old base needed a huge expansion , but even though I had a T3 air HQ, I couldn't build T3 support facs with the SCU or ACU. But with T3 engies I could :o

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Re: Can't build support fac with (A/S)CU , can with engi

Postby Aurion » 27 Aug 2014, 11:40

E8400-CV wrote:I played an Ozone earlier today and at some point my dinner was ready and I gave everything, minus ACU, one SCU and SMD to another player. Later on, that player died and all was transferred to the 3rd player. When I returned, he gave me back my base plus that of the guy that died. My old base needed a huge expansion , but even though I had a T3 air HQ, I couldn't build T3 support facs with the SCU or ACU. But with T3 engies I could :o


I assume everything (HQ, sACU/ACU and engineers) were of the same faction? If not, there's your problem.
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Re: Can't build support fac with (A/S)CU , can with engi

Postby E8400-CV » 27 Aug 2014, 17:29

Yes, all same faction.
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