Can't launch fa through faf but works fine through steam

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Can't launch fa through faf but works fine through steam

Postby changingtuna88 » 12 Aug 2014, 23:43

Whenever I try to create a game, join a game or watch a replay through faf the game crashes and I get this error message ( and here are the game logs ( I have gotten this error once before and it just kinda fixed itself, however this time the issue has persisted and I don't know what to do. At first I uninstalled faf and reinstalled, which didn't fix anything. After that I went into the bin file under programdata and deleted the forgedalliance.exe because thats where the problem was. This did not solve anything, after that i uninstalled faf and forged alliance completely. Then I reinstalled both which still didnt fix anything. Any help would be appreciated :)
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