So... I recently got a new PC and had to reinstall SupCom and the FAF Client.
In the process of moving all my data i somehow lost my original Forged Alliance Disc and bought the game on steam, downloaded it and launched it to try it out.
After creating a profile in Supcom i linked the gamefolder in Steam with my FaF Lobby and launched a game to check if everything is alright and noticed that ALL settings would be resetted aswell as the language! (graphics and gameplay-options) I also cant save any BO presets and have to do all the building placement by hand! (imagine the time it needs to set down a pd without hotkeys and presets )
Path for FaF client: E:\Program Files (x86)\Forged Alliance Forever
Path for Supcom in Steam: E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Since this is a persisting problem i dont know if there are any game logs i have to add here please forgive me for that :/
If theres any additional informtion you need to help me solve this feel free to tell me here or in FAF Lobby.
Btw. the only Thread i could find to this problem is over 2 years old and about using two monitors.
-> viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8211&p=77427&hilit=Settings+dont+save#p77427
Hoping for fast anwers! Thanks!