Replays and Patching Problem (3633)

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Replays and Patching Problem (3633)  Topic is solved

Postby DarkTemplar » 03 Aug 2014, 05:32

I've just updated to 3633 and noticed that every time I launch a game or a replay it makes me update.

Also, replays never launch, they just stay at "In Transit" forever.

I have checked with others in IRC and people are aware, but wanted to make a post about it in case the right people have not heard about this yet.

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Re: Replays and Patching Problem (3633)

Postby Crumplecorn » 03 Aug 2014, 06:04

I have slightly different issues. Playing the game and watching 3633 replays work fine for me.

If I try to view a 3632 replay, FAF 'updates' back to 3632 and opens the replay, however it immediately desyncs. Closing the replay and starting a skirmish, it appears that it is not actually running 3632, as elements such as the improved UI and engy mod are missing.

Subsequently hosting a game or watching a 3633 replay updates the game back to 3633 and everything works properly again.

Attached are the logs resulting from attempting to watch a 3632 replay.

May also be worth noting that every time I make it switch between 3632 and 3633 it redownloads ~70MiB of files from scratch - not sure if it is meant to do that when changing versions or not.

Edit: Just remembered,I got the 'In Transit Forever' issue with some 3632 replays too, this was 3v3 lobby replays rather than ladder replays, and the final lines of replay.log in that case are:
Code: Select all
info: Sim::Create() crashed: Invalid color, must be a string.
      stack traceback:

Which I guess means that whatever version it is actually running instead of 3632 doesn't have the extra player colors. Again, 3633 replays have no issues.
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