FAF Map/Mod DL error.

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FAF Map/Mod DL error.

Postby NightLord » 30 Jul 2014, 06:03

As I fire up FAF and go into the lobby I go to join a game, I'll attempt to DL the mod/map the game is using and then immediately the download will seize up and not budge past anywhere under 100% download/completion and I'll be forced to just kill the DL and normally restart the program. I'm not tech savy what so ever and even the "simplest" of instructions that relate to my computer/router/ect, I will most likely fail to understand so please, if you do know what my problem is I ask as sincerely as possible that you try and be thorough with your instructions on fixing it.


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Re: FAF Map/Mod DL error.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 30 Jul 2014, 09:04

Please don't open duplicate threads.

Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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