Average Joe's Tourney #3
Sunday August 31st - 19:00 British Summer Time (GMT+1)
1v1 - Average Joes (Rating: 1000-1600 Global) & (Ladder Rating: 900-1500)
32 Player maximum (When >32 sign ups, you can still sign up. You will
automaticly be put on the waiting list in chronological order)
- Default
- Double Elimination
- RK's explosion mod
may be used if both
players agree
- The TD, decides on
match results/rematch
in case of disconnects
- Rematch incase of
Rating requirement:
#1 Ladder Rating: 900-1500
#2 Global Rating: 1000-1600
Winners Bracket
#1 Theta Passage 5
#2 Desert Joust
#3 Esgaroth's Ruins (5x5)
#4 Poll #4
Semi-final: Poll#2
Finale: Poll#1
Finale#2: (if need be)
Painted Dessert (20x20)
Losers Bracket:
#1 Williamson's Bridge (5x5)
#2 Moonlight (5x5)
#3 Canis River (5x5)
#4 Fields of Thunder v2 (5x5)
#5 Desert Arena (5x5)
#6 Crimson Feud (5x5)
#7 Poll #5
Semi-final: Poll#3
1. Tournament Champion
2. Faction Face Avatars
3. Faction Logo Avatars
And of course Participants avatars for
everyone who plays all of their games.
Ps: Data might be subject to change
See you all there soon!
You can now vote what (10x10) maps
will be played. You can vote once, but
can select multiple maps. #1 Will be
Finale, #2 semi-finale winners, #3
semi-finale losers, #4 will be used
in the tourney randomly.
Tourney Director: Greenio
Also Please be so kind to post your replay ID's on this forum !
(Thank you, from all the casters out there)
1. Lord-Gayle
2. TheRedViper
3. Clinch
Everyone else thanks for playing ! Your participants avatars you can get by asking
Gorton. And see you all next tourney.