Rank tracking errors

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Rank tracking errors

Postby Redfox442 » 25 Jul 2014, 19:52

Hello all,

I'm posting here to find out if others have been experiencing issues with the system ranking. I know what entitles a game to be ranked, I have not been leaving games early etc., and I have only been playing ranked games. I have played and won multiple in a row and my # of games will rise by one each time, however, my rank does not change what-so-ever.


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Re: Rank tracking errors

Postby Deering » 26 Jul 2014, 18:37

I am guessing that you are referring to your global rating. Global rating is rounded to the nearest hundred. So if it says 1000 it means your actual rating is between 950 to 1049. As long as you stay within this range your shown rating will not change.
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Re: Rank tracking errors

Postby Vee » 27 Jul 2014, 00:49

You can see your exact rating by right clicking on your name in chat, then view statistics. It says "The worst rating possible is the one in the leaderboard : <YOUR EXACT RATING HERE>". You can also see your 1v1 ladder rating in the leaderboards tab, then go to ladder ratings.
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