FA Offline 'connecting' issue

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FA Offline 'connecting' issue

Postby goldenarbiter » 19 Jun 2014, 01:03

Do to my lifestyle, I don't have much time for online gaming. As such, I need to resort to offline gaming. I understand that FAF probably won't be getting offline functionality for a while, but that isn't my problem. My problem is that because of FAF, I can no longer play FA skirmishes, due to a bug between the enhanced lobby mod and steam.

Normally I would just delete the mod, but since it's built into FAF, I can't do that. I could also delete FAF, but then I would need to re-download it every time I do get a chance to play online, and that is very costly on data.

I was mostly just wondering if there was a way around this, or if deleting FAF was my only option.

Cheers from the CF.
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Re: FA Offline 'connecting' issue  Topic is solved

Postby Deering » 19 Jun 2014, 07:20

Are you launching through steam or the faf offline exe? Offline exe is in C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin

I just tested it and got this which looks fine. If you launched through steam then it is probably because you have a colour selected that isn't int the steam version. Solution to that is just select a default colour in faf.
skirmish.png (1.95 MiB) Viewed 1117 times
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Re: FA Offline 'connecting' issue

Postby goldenarbiter » 20 Jun 2014, 00:33

That totally worked. Worst part was that I knew about that EXE, and didn't try it. Thank you very much.
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