The infinite tournament with avatar & money rewards
Click here for the 2vs2 WWPC
TA4Life hosted WWPC back in the days and it slowly died. Me (LEXTOC) and Morax are restoring this tournament to its former glory. There's a wall of text you'll have to read to understand how it works, but read it once and you'll have a good understanding of it. Trust us, it's worth it!
This is a non-stop tournament with 4 divisions, which are the following:
1. O1900 (over 1900 ladder rating)
2. U1900 (under 1900 ladder rating)
3. U1500 (under 1500 ladder rating)
4. U1100 (under 1100 ladder rating)
There is a tolerance of a 100 rating points, however this only counts for people who want to be placed in a higher division, example:
A player with 1425 rating has the option to join U1500, or U1900. A player with 1550 rating however is not allowed to join U1500, he must join U1900.
How does this work?
There is always a champion for each division who will have to defend his title each round (which lasts 2 weeks). Everyone can sign up to challenge the champion of his division. However, if there is more than one challenger, they will be having a little knockout (best of 1) tournament between them hosted by the TD. The TD will give the maps the challengers have to play against eachother.
The challenger who won the knockout tournament (if there was one) will get to play a BO5 (best of 5) against the Champion. The maps will be chosen like this:
1. This map gets chosen by the challenger
2. This map gets chosen by the current champion
3. This map gets chosen by the current champion
4. This map gets chosen by the challenger
5. This map gets chosen by the current champion
You may not play a map in the BO5 for the champion title more than once. If the end result of the BO5 is a draw the challenger will get to choose a map. If one of the players won before the BO5 is finished, they may finish it if both players want to, but this isn't necessary.
You can find all information about maps here: ... 713#p83656
Wednesday: knockouts will be posted.
First week: knockouts get played.
Second week: champions BO5's get played.
Sometimes it happens people with different timezones can't match up before the given deadline. When this happens contact the TD.
- If you want to sign up, post it here, and please mention your division.
- You may only sign up for one division! Note that champions are allowed to sign up for one division as well, even while being champion of one.
- The winner posts his replays ID's in this topic (you can get the replay ID by opening the local replay in file explorer, the number in the replay's name is the ID)
- Always leave via the score screen to make sure the replays don't get corrupted
- The TD's can always change the rules
- The TD's are nice people. If you think something in here is absurd, just post it here.
- Game settings are the same as the ones in ladder.
- There are certain mods which the TD will allow if both players agree.
- A disconnect has to be discussed with the TD if both players don't agree to play the game again.
Read with care: you do not get money for taking the Champion title from someone! You only get money when you defended it successfully. However, you'll get the avatar immediately.
WWPC chat channel
- A champion is allowed to defend his title twice or more in one round, but he will get the money reward only once a round to make sure the TD's don't get broke.
- Donations are always welcome. (Paypal: [email protected])
As donator you get
- A thanks note at the bottom here.
- Access to the forums where WWPC changes etc are discussed.
(in these forums special WWPC tournaments are also discussed)
- To make decisions/suggestions with/for us.
Special thanks to
- Anonymous donators!