BLITZ Tourney

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BLITZ Tourney

Postby Gorton » 07 May 2014, 19:10

Tonight: 19:00GMT+1

Default Settings with Scores off
Single Elimination
Match for third place.

R1: Snoey Triangle
R2: Cobalt Valley
R3: White Firev2
Semi-Finals: Veil of Stars
Final : Drake's Ravine

If there are more rounds required than this, extra maps will be selected by the TD.

Winner : Blitz Tourney winner -> LuXy
Second place: Faction Face -> ZLO
Third place: Faction Logo -> speed2

Tournament Participant to everyone who played.
(Belakor Blodir Embers Joly Kalvirox LuXy VoR_Tex ZLO Eximius Lord_Havoc Speed2 Totaltuna SunTzu)

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"who is this guy, he didnt play gpg or what?" - RA_ZLO

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Re: BLITZ Tourney

Postby Lu_Xun_17 » 07 May 2014, 19:47

i'm cooooming !
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