Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

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Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Zsombi » 20 Apr 2014, 12:07

Hi. I cannot host or join any match.

Whenever I try, after the checks an "Error fom FA" appears with "FA has failed to start." in it.
I have tried to run the game and even to start a match locally (by: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe) and there were no problems.

Since the game won't start I have no "game.log". At the moment there is only one mod active, but this was happening without that too.

I have no router, only the combined modem from the ISP, but I can't change anything on that, and I doubt that there would be the problem. Another game works fine. My OS is Windows 8 Pro, 64bit. Antivirus is free Avast. Windows firewall is set to let anything in and out for both FA and FAF.
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 20 Apr 2014, 15:36

Disable the antivirus to be sure it's not blocking anything.

Also check that you don't have "searchConduit".
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Zsombi » 20 Apr 2014, 23:53

"searchConduit": checked. The computer was clean.
Disabled antivirus. Still not working. - Even when I had Windows 7 Pro (64bit), I was still using the same antivirus (free Avast) and there was no such error.
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Zsombi » 16 May 2014, 22:40

Today I reinstalled the whole game and the FAF too.
But FAF lobby still cannot start the game. I still get the FA error: "Fa has failed to start."

Is there a way, in windows 8, to check some kind of log file or something, that would show, what happens or what is trying to happen after I press the "host game" or how it's called button in the FAF lobby? So I could at least have a clue about why it cannot start the game.

If yes, how can I find it?
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 17 May 2014, 09:03

It starts FA.

Check that you are able to run FA without FAF too.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Zsombi » 17 May 2014, 10:49

Yes. I can run FA without FAF.

It just occured to me: every time I start anything UAC always asks for permission. I will try to disable that and see if FAF can start FA like that or not.
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"  Topic is solved

Postby Zsombi » 17 May 2014, 11:47

UAC was the culprit. :0 I did not think of this before.
So now in the lobby's shortcut's compatibility settings I set it to start with admin rights for all users. Now it can start FA.

Thank you for the assistance. :)
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Re: Error from FA: "FA has failed to start"

Postby Ze_PilOt » 17 May 2014, 11:51

Neither FA or FAF requires admin rights, and they shouldn't run as admin in the first place.

It's something you did on your side, and making FAF running as admin by default is not something desired.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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