CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

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CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby ZirzoR » 12 Apr 2014, 00:12

Greetings ZirzoR here.

I have been trying to play some 5v5 6v6 games and i am getting kicked for my CPU rating, i have tested myself and i watched replays i have done all the benchmarks there is to play this game properly and i recieve zero lagg.

The CPU rating is faulty on my side and i'm getting kicked out of games because they believe my CPU rating is related to be lagging in later parts of the game.

I have played 1 hour long games on 4v4 seton's and the entire map is filled with units and at max i go down to -1 simspeed.

I dont know what to do, and i'm not willing to buy a brand spanking new CPU only because the rating is faulty, I have a 3.4GHz quad core proccesor and i've played this game since it came out, i've play on custom games GPGnet , ranked, you name it.

I have never lagged in this game and i never will, but the recently added CPU rating since i downloaded FAF a week ago has botched my chances of ever playing big games.

I need a solution to this please help me.

I dont lagg in games and i want the rest of the world to know that. so please help me, people judge faulty numbers and i cant play ;<
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby Exotic_Retard » 12 Apr 2014, 00:59

to save yourself some trouble first post a screenshot of you 30 min into a setons replay, zoomed all the way out, showing that you are on -1 or 0

reason for this is because your claim sounds dubious, and many people will not believe you, and think that you are just missreading a number or something.

after you do that chance of useful comments will increase 10 times, and you wont get people calling you stupid for no reason.

also fixing youre plroblem may be hard as you cant just ell people you don't lag and expect them to believe you.
host your own games, or play with people who know you don't lag (aka friends). is all i can say atm :/
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby E8400-CV » 12 Apr 2014, 02:00

Ah, so you finally took my advice to go to the forums after two days of whining in Aeolus.

Number of cores is irrelevant, just as clock frequency. Make and model is what counts. And if I remember right, you said that was an AMD Phenom x4 955:
1123 points in the passmarks single thread test:

And if I also remember right, you said you got a CPU score of 420 in FAF.

Anyway: long story short: I don't buy the "no-slowdowns". The E8400 from my old computer gets 1257 points in the Passmark test. Overclocked to 3.6GHz (20% OC), it still slows down on Setons. Running music in the background significantly adds to the slowdowns btw. Mind you: the E8400 is a product from 2007: that's 7 years ago. For computers, that's a long time.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby da_monstr » 12 Apr 2014, 02:44

Also, remember that it was found that Passmark benchmarks correlate best to SupCom performance.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby ZirzoR » 12 Apr 2014, 11:54

So you all really want me to post screenshots then? Well since i wont buy a new CPU since mine is working fine i guess i will just stop playing public games until you fix the faulty CPU rating system or remove it, i can play this game perfectly fine for over 5 years and i've never lagged, and if you dont believe me then that is your personal opinion.

So be it, i wont buy a new CPU only because the CPU rating in one single game is faulty, sry but that's the deal, and if your not willing to help me or believe what i say, Then i am truly sry that the community is stuck with people like you jcv.

so you dont need to "buy" anything, Because i know its true and i dont need to prove it, i just need help.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Apr 2014, 12:14

It has to be proven faulty first.

We can't believe someone just because he says he "knows it".

Either the CPU rating is faulty and your CPU is underrated, or the CPU rating is right, and you think your CPU is better than it really is.

Both are possible, and if you think you are right, I will need data to make the system better. For example, a proof than your CPU can handle a game better than a CPU that is rated better than yours.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby ZirzoR » 12 Apr 2014, 12:20

So how can i post screenshots? me being a new user prevents it, the forum doesnt allow me.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Apr 2014, 12:25

First, let's see if your numbers are odds, as you didn't provided any.

For exemple, your CPU is rated 1123 by passmark.
Mine (a i5-2500k) is rated 1898 by passmark.

My CPU is rated 219 by the FAF bench. How much is yours?

It should be around 400 if my calculations are corrects.
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby Nombringer » 12 Apr 2014, 12:25

ZirzoR wrote:So how can i post screenshots? me being a new user prevents it, the forum doesnt allow me.

You should be able to link to am image sharing site
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Re: CPU rating is faulty and i am getting kicked for it.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Apr 2014, 12:38

Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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